Dutch East Indies

"Dutch East Indies through Japanese Eyes. (Report by R. Tada, 1943)"

"The way the Dutch exploited the Dutch East Indies was remarkably clever. Their scientific and technical skills were used for communication, public works, and hygiene. In particular, their scientifically designed irrigation systems, even high up in the mountains, were intended to make the East Indies self-sufficient in its rice production."

Blessed with a favorable climate and added to that, such high scientific abilities, the Dutch East Indies had no problems in the areas of food and housing. The natives spent their days happily under Dutch leadership. Java, smaller than Japan but also very mountainous, is home to a population of fifty million souls.

The Dutch remarkably took good care of the Indonesian peoples. Sixty million natives were led by only two hundred thousand Dutch, that is, 300 natives to 1 Dutch. This is no ordinary governance. The Dutch are here for the natives; they provided self-sufficiency so that they lacked nothing.

With the help of their first-class scientific knowledge, they developed the Dutch East Indies, promoted the well-being of the population, and provided them with food, clothing, and shelter. The result is that this area may be called paradise, with a population density that ranks among the top in the world."

Lieutenant General Reiichi Tada

Doctor of Technical Sciences of the Imperial Japanese Army. Tokyo, 1943

Report from Tada to his government.

What the French ambassador to Batavia reported to his government:

"Dutch East Indies had the largest hospitals, the most favorable living conditions, the best social and hygienic facilities of all colonies. Its factories and warehouses were more modern than those of the United States. Magnificent roads were constructed, gigantic harbor works executed. All of this made the simplest Javanese a prosperous small citizen, content with his lot. It should be noted that the material prosperity of the population in Sumatra, Borneo, and Celebes was certainly four to five times that of Java."